The Core Dump

The Core Dump is the personal blog of Nic Lindh, a Swedish-American pixel-pusher living in Phoenix, Arizona.

[By Nic Lindh on Thursday, 25 March 2004]

Mac OS X turns three

March 24, 2004 is the third birthday of Mac OS X, not counting betas. Ars.Technica is celebrating with a somewhat obsessive-compulsive recap of three years of OS X. Good read–relive the madness of DVD playing on 10.0! Hard to believe it’s only been three years; seems like the pinstripes have been around forever.With 10.3, Mac OS X really came in to its own–there are few obvious improvements to make at this point. But nevertheless, as the faithful eagerly await the release of 10.4, here are a couple of suggestions for said release:- Make FTP in the Finder actually work and let me upload files to servers

Wow, that’s a short list. But there really aren’t that many annoying glitches in 10.3, which hopefully means that the elves in Cupertino are free to work on creating exceptionally cool things…Music: Stream from Secret Agent

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