The Core Dump

The Core Dump is the personal blog of Nic Lindh, a Swedish-American pixel-pusher living in Phoenix, Arizona.

[By Nic Lindh on Friday, 06 August 2004]

Water equals money

The irrigation system in the front lawn sprung a leak a little while ago, which got fixed. So imagine our consternation to find not one but several new leaks this week. Another call to the landscapers, and the guy comes out with his trusty shovel in tow. Five big leaks. The guy was here for three solid hours working his tail off to take care of them.

While the guy is fighting entropy, he keeps finding more and more dumb things the original landscapers had done. The crowning achievement seems to be this little beaut:

End caps? We don’t need no stinking end caps!

Yes, that is an irrigation line that has been wrapped up and tied with cord, thus saving somebody the hardship of actually putting on an end cap. The problem with that, you ask? Turns out this kind of creative landscaping solution suffers from a bit of a drawback: It leaks water. Which as it happens is a bit of a Bad Thing.

The end result here is that I got a quote to have the whole freaking front irrigation redone if it starts springing leaks again. Turns out to be a bit of a major expense. Let’s keep our fingers crossed the PVC crisscrossing the yard will keep water where it belongs for at least a few more years…

You have thoughts? Send me an email!