The Core Dump

The Core Dump is the personal blog of Nic Lindh, a Swedish-American pixel-pusher living in Phoenix, Arizona.

[By Nic Lindh on Wednesday, 11 June 2008]

On through the night

Nic reports on his and his daughter’s flight to Sweden.

Swedish pennant under a blue sky

Swedish pennant.
Click for larger version.

Andrea and I are safely nestled at my parents’ house after a long journey from Phoenix to Sweden.

We had stop-overs in Chicago and Copenhagen, both of which were short and sweet, even though the time between flights was way too chintzy in Copenhagen and we ended up running through the airport with me carrying Andrea and our luggage, blitzing past flight monitors that had our flight status as “closed.” A wee bit on the stressful side, but we made the puddle jumper from Copenhagen to Gothenburg with our stomachs in our throats.

Andrea was a complete champ through the trip. I think it’s that she’s six years old now, and really gets what’s going on as we hop from aluminum tube to aluminum tube.

We landed in a Sweden from some other dimension, with clear blue skies and warm weather.

At this point things have cooled down a bit and the clouds are threatening rain, but it’s still really nice and the summer light is incredible—even though I grew up here, it was still amazing when Andrea and I woke up at 4am the morning after we landed to find it light enough to go outside and read the newspaper.

I understand there are worse ways to spend the month of June.

You have thoughts? Send me an email!