[By Nic Lindh on Tuesday, 18 November 2003]
Spent some time this weekend rolling a log file parser for this site, which was a lot of fun. Whenever I spend some time away from Python I love it even more when I come back. Such a great language! I’ve been living in PHP for a while now, and while it certainly makes it easy to accomplish a lot of web application tasks, the language smells so much of Perl. “$this->myVar” is so ugly it hurts me every time I have to type it. Let’s hope PHP 5 will have more elegant object handling.
From the logs, it looks like a lot of the hits I’m getting come from people searching for the Matrix Revolutions script. Sorry guys, I’m just linking to a parody.
It looks like some other people are experiencing the lag with iTunes that’s been bothering me since going to Panther. Interesting. Wish I had a cure.
Also had one person looking for a way to remove crayons from a laptop screen. Feeling your pain, man.