By Nic Lindh on Tuesday, 11 May 2004
As probably happens to most bloggers, I’ve found the experience a bit schizophrenic–do I want this blog to be more of a friends-and-family kind of intimate hangout, or do I want to attract tons of traffic, become a luminary in the blogosphere and in general be a big megalomaniac?
From looking at the logs, most of my traffic comes from Google and is tech related, so separating the tech posts from the personal posts is probably a good way to de-stress the situation a bit.
So from here on out, this blog will be devoid of technology content–the focus here will be personal stuff, and the nerdery will instead be found at Tech Goes Boom, a site I’m kicking off with Joe, and which as the name implies will be solely focused on thoughts, observations, tips, and other chicken soup for your inner nerd. Go ahead and give it a visit and see what you think.