[By Nic Lindh on Friday, 10 October 2003]
Thecoredump.org is the place for Niclas Lindh to post whatever interests him.
The name stems from my long fascination with the interface between machines and people and the way we anthropomorphize the machines. For the non-technical reader, a core dump is a copy of the content of a computer’s memory that is written out to disk when certain fatal errors occur. So when applying the term to humans (of which I am one), the term would mean to write down things one knows. Write what you know, as they like to say.
The site is currently running on MovableType, a quite excellent blog system that I picked after spending way too much time trying to make Blosxom behave the way I wanted it to. Not to knock it, Blosxom is really cool in many ways, and has that good guerrilla web publishing feel, but in the end you just get tired of sleeping out in the bush, eating grilled snake, and shaking scorpions from your boots in the morning. So off to the silk sheets and chocolate-on-the-pillow of MovableType I went.