[By Nic Lindh on Monday, 21 April 2008]
We’ve been using the same cable modem—a Motorola Surfboard 3100—since 2000, and it seemed like it was starting to go a bit batty in its dotage, requiring reboots every month or so. Time to agonize over spending the money on a new modem. Since, of course, the reboots could be simply due to Cox—“My friend in the digital age”—having problems, a new modem might be $75 wasted. But what the heck, might as well give it a shot.
One Linksys cable modem purchase later, it was time to see if anything had changed.
Here’s the verdict from speedtest.net about the Internet connection with the old modem:
Not too shabby.
And here’s the result with the new modem:
Holy Docsis, Batman!
The moral of the story is that if you’re using a Docsis 1.1 cable modem, it might behoove you to get with the program and get a Docsis 2.0 modem…