Cannon Beach, Oregon
Cannon Beach, Oregon

The Core Dump

The Core Dump is the personal blog of Nic Lindh, a Swedish-American pixel-pusher living in Phoenix, Arizona.

Welcome to Nic’s Core Dump. Enjoy.

Throwing out the comments with the spammers

Saturday, 20 November, 2004

Catblogging Friday

Saturday, 20 November, 2004

Review: Guilty Pleasures

Monday, 15 November, 2004

Review: Just for Fun

Monday, 15 November, 2004

Review: Hard Freeze

Monday, 15 November, 2004

All right, I give up

Monday, 15 November, 2004

The IKEA experience

Sunday, 14 November, 2004

Carpe Diem

Saturday, 13 November, 2004

Gigabit and RAID, oh my

Tuesday, 02 November, 2004

Review: Destination: MORGUE!

Friday, 22 October, 2004

High Fidelity

Saturday, 16 October, 2004

Dirty diapers and Usama

Friday, 15 October, 2004

Review: Angels and Demons

Tuesday, 12 October, 2004

The first blogiversary

Monday, 11 October, 2004

Review: Kill Bill, Vol. 1

Monday, 04 October, 2004

Fall in the Valley of the Sun

Saturday, 02 October, 2004

Review: Hard Rain

Friday, 24 September, 2004

Neurons flaring like a Christmas tree

Friday, 17 September, 2004

Review: Monstrous Regiment

Friday, 10 September, 2004

Yet another sign

Thursday, 09 September, 2004

To see all posts, visit the archive.