Cannon Beach, Oregon
Cannon Beach, Oregon

The Core Dump

The Core Dump is the personal blog of Nic Lindh, a Swedish-American pixel-pusher living in Phoenix, Arizona.

Welcome to Nic’s Core Dump. Enjoy.

Blade Runner keyboard

Nic really can’t understand how his keyboard gets so dirty.

Tuesday, 20 September, 2011

Do not wake up

Nic’s daughter isn’t what you’d call a morning person.

Wednesday, 14 September, 2011

Book roundup, part one

Some books you might enjoy reading.

Wednesday, 14 September, 2011

Even better burgers

Nic’s dad shows him how to make even better burgers and he shares his newfound knowledge.

Saturday, 10 September, 2011

Death by PowerPoint

Endless, pointless presentations are a drag on corporate worker sanity. There is a better way.

Thursday, 08 September, 2011

The long democracy

Campaign season is gearing up in America and Nic has some thoughts on the endless primaries ahead.

Thursday, 01 September, 2011

Sports journalism is hurting democracy

Political news coverage in America tends to be abysmal. Nic explores why.

Thursday, 25 August, 2011

Lion and the angst of the greybeards

Nic is bemused by the sturm und drang surrounding the iOS-ification of Mac OS X.

Thursday, 18 August, 2011

Web publishing made easy

Web publishing used to require heavy-duty nerditry, but no longer.

Wednesday, 10 August, 2011

How to create an e-book

Nic is creating an e-book. He shares what he’s learned so far.

Thursday, 04 August, 2011

The monster of Norway

The horrific events in Norway hit home for Nic.

Wednesday, 27 July, 2011

Breaking the social back

Nic overanalyzes things again. He has no idea what to do with Google Plus.

Thursday, 21 July, 2011

The end of the artifact

Spotify is finally open for U.S. customers. Nic is ridiculously excited.

Friday, 15 July, 2011

Why We Get Fat

Nic reads a life-changing book on nutrition and wants to share it with you.

Thursday, 07 July, 2011

Productivity for people who don’t have ADD

Nic thinks a lot about productivity and shares some books that have helped him.

Sunday, 05 June, 2011

Gaze of the Predator

Nic attempts to reinvigorate the tradition of posting cat pictures on Fridays.

Friday, 03 June, 2011

Movie roundup, part 17

Nic watches movies. They mostly suck. Included are I am Number Four, Jonah Hex, Doctor Zhivago, Valhalla Rising, Bronson, Centurion and Resident Evil: Afterlife.

Monday, 30 May, 2011

Phoenix ComiCon impressions

Nic takes his daughter to go nerd watching at the Phoenix ComiCon.

Sunday, 29 May, 2011

Happy ninth birthday, Andrea!

Our daughter turns nine years old today.

Saturday, 28 May, 2011

Westward Ho

Threatening skies over the Westward Ho in downtown Phoenix.

Thursday, 19 May, 2011

To see all posts, visit the archive.